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Migraine & Headache Solutions

Call To Feel Like Yourself Again

  • Experience fewer headaches with a mouthguard
  • Relieve chronic pain with a simple appliance
  • Find long-lasting relief from migraines
Find Migraine & Headache Solutions in Fort Lauderdale

Find Migraine & Headache Solutions in Fort Lauderdale

Constant headaches don’t have to rule your life. You can find lasting relief with our migraine and headache solutions in Fort Lauderdale. Your dentist will custom design a mouthguard that will help you:

  • Fully engage in your favorite activities
  • Wake up refreshed and ready to tackle each day
  • Boost your productivity at work
  • Become more present in your relationships
  • Reduce your reliance on pain medications
  • Avoid downtime associated with headache pain

Call 954-519-4058 for an appointment.

Conquer Your TMJ-Related Headache & Migraine Problems

Did you know that your jaw could be the hidden cause of your headaches? Many people don’t realize that TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems often lead to chronic headaches and migraines. Your jaw joints are connected to many nerves and muscles in your head and neck. When the joints are under stress, it can cause pain that spreads.

That’s when you need a solution, and we can help with:

  • Occlusal Analysis – This is a starting point for all TMJ patients. This analysis will allow us to see how your teeth are meeting when you bite down, which will direct our treatment planning to a solution that works for your unique case.
  • Custom Mouthguards – This small device can make a big difference in your life. It works by gently repositioning your jaw while you sleep. This takes pressure off your TMJs and helps relax the surrounding muscles.
  • PRGF Injections in the TMJ – PRGF (plasma rich in growth factors) is made from your own blood and will promote tissue regeneration, which can ease the pain associated with an overworked and damaged TMJ.
  • Autologous Exosomes Injection – Similar to a PRGF injection, we can inject your own exosomes (tiny parts of your cells) into your TMJ to promote healing and regeneration of your TMJ tissue.

You can expect numerous benefits:

  • Jaw Alignment – A mouthguard helps keep your jaw in the right position. This reduces strain on your TMJs and the surrounding muscles. Less strain means less pain spreading to your head.
  • Muscle Relaxation – By supporting your jaw, a mouthguard allows the surrounding muscles to relax. Relaxed muscles are less likely to cause tension headaches or trigger migraines.
  • Teeth Protection – Grinding your teeth at night can lead to jaw pain and headaches. A mouthguard creates a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, preventing grinding and the pain that comes with it. It also prevents damage to teeth, such as chips and cracks.

Best of all, it’s a non-invasive treatment. Your dentist will just create a simple guard that fits comfortably in your mouth. It’s easy to use and can be a game-changer for your quality of life.

Call 954-519-4058 for migraine and headache solutions in Fort Lauderdale. You can also schedule online.

Common Questions About Migraine & Headache Solutions
What causes headaches?

There are many types of headaches and many different sources for them. However, many headaches are related to stress and tension, especially in your jaw. Teeth grinding in particular has been shown to be a major cause of migraine and tension headaches. Reducing teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) will help eliminate this type of headache.

How is a migraine different from a headache?

Each year, the U.S. sees over three million reported cases of migraines, making it a surprisingly common condition. Migraines present as a distinct form of head pain, often characterized by intense discomfort and accompanied by symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, as well as nausea. Additionally, migraines can manifest as throbbing pain localized in a specific area of the head.

What are your migraine and headache solutions?

We can take measurements of your mouth to create custom oral devices that you can wear while you sleep. This strategy is a conservative but effective way to relieve the pressure being placed on your teeth and jaw and ultimately reduce or eliminate your headaches.